Malam Ni Da...

Malam ni dah ye match kita...jadi, kalo korang larat lagi mata nk tgk match mlm ni, tgk la sbb korang takkan rugi sbb Arsenal akan menang malam ni..ngeh..ngeh...Haha..tu rekemen ubi la sbb ubi yakin yg Arsenal akan bermain sedaya upaya dan semampu mampunya untuk menang dengan BArcalona. Tapi, yg masalahnya ramai gak fan2 Arsenal yg tak yakin dengan kemampuan Arsenal ni. Maklum underdog kan...pemain pom ramai yg masih teruna..ahaks...

Mengenai malam ni, ubi dapat berita yg Fabregas hanya 40% peluang untuk dia bermain malam ni kerana masalah betis yg dialaminya. Tapi, yg tu jangan risau sbb Wenger cakap yg senarai pemain yg akan bermain utk skuad utama adalah semasa perlawanan hendak dimulakan. Itu bergantung kepada Wenger untuk memastikan sama ada Fabregas dapat bermain atapun tidak. Yg pastinya, Fabregas telah mengatakan yg dia membuat sehabis terbaik utk Arsenal...Huhu..Fabregas, our Capten...

Wenger mengesahkan juga yg Gallas sudah kembali dari kecederaan dan sudah 3 hari dia training sorang atas padang. Gallas nampaknya penuh berusaha bg memastikan Wenger memilihnya. Bagus Gallas, kalo ubi ada gambar Gallas train sorang2 kat atas padang, Ubi dah upload da..Haha..Nk bg bukti sikit sbb ramai yg tak percaya dengan kata2 ubi ni. Huhu.. Sol akan direhatkan pada malam ini kerana sudah banyak perlawanan yg dilalui oleh kuda tua ni.Haha...Nk habis gas dah kuda tua ni...Vermaelan seperti biasa akan bermain sebagai partner selepas miss satu game minggu lepas.

Memetik kata2 Wenger yg tak ubi pom tak beberapa faham kalo nk translate kan..:

Gallas is in the squad. I have not picked the team yet but he has a chance. He looks physically quite good. He has had three days training and I will now have to have a chat with him and then decide. But, Sol Campbell has played many games recently and a little breather would be welcome.

Dalam laman web rasmi Arsenal .com ada berita mengenai Fabregas, ubi pom tak mahir nk translate :

Cesc Fabregas has a “40 per cent” chance of playing after suffering severe bruising to his leg at Birmingham on Saturday. In addition Andrey Arshavin and Samir Nasri have recovered from small knocks and should be involved.

Ajen ubi yg study kat Eropah ada mendapat maklumat mengenai taktik2 jurulatih yg telah menang dengan BArcelona. Ubi bgtau kat sini pon, bukannya Wenger dengar pom, jadi ubi dah bgtahu dah Wenger melalui Emai, tak tahu la dia baca ke tak. jAdi, utk perkongsian bersama, ubi pom kongsi la kat sini jugak...huhu...baca ye..tapi bahasa asal je.,ubi tak pandai nk translate...haha..

Kurban Berdyev
Rubin Kazan

Beat Barcelona 2-1 20 October, 2009

"I studied all Barcelona's games in the Spanish championship. The game against Valencia [a 0-0 draw] was the most helpful to understand them. I noticed that Xavi and Andrés Iniesta – key players in the team – almost never drop back to their own penalty box. This style of play in the midfield creates free space for shots from the middle range. Our midfielders were told to shoot on sight. It's also good to have a player in this area who constantly tries to hold the build-up of Barcelona's attack in the centre of the midfield. It was Alejandro Domínguez who was playing this role, always dropping from the forward's position to confront Yaya Touré. And Domínguez did a great job. I don't think we could have beaten Barça without him. Barcelona like to use the whole pitch. Their full-backs, Dani Alves and Eric Abidal, tend to play wide and leave some space in the centre. We were ready to organise our counter-attack through that area, so we waited for the right opportunity. That's how the second goal came in.

Quique Sánchez Flores Atlético Madrid

Beat Barcelona 2-1correct 14 February, 2010

"We had to try to keep our shape short and narrow to make it hard for Barcelona to find players between the lines, which is what they do so well and what most causes you trouble. We had to ensure there were not gaps there for them to exploit, in among us. We did that very well, we were focused and very intense, very effective. It's genuinely hard to minimise Barcelona's qualities because they are such a great team. But we did so and we even had moments where we were able to play some quite nice football although in the second half we lost control of the ball a bit, and in truth that wasn't the key to our approach. When we got the ball we were reasonably direct. Stopping Barcelona is really hard – they have good players and they are neat with the ball, so we were very pleased with what we were doing. José Reyes played very well, running at them constantly. The key though was to get it right collectively and deny them any room."


Manolo Jiménez
Sevilla (until 24 March)

Beat Barcelona 2-1 5 January, 2010

"The key idea we had was to pile the pressure on their defenders and not allow them to bring the ball out of the back. We wanted to make sure that they didn't get the ball to their playmakers – we tried to stop him receiving and playing. We played with great intensity and really went for them. We were close together in the middle but quick to get the ball wide when we attacked. You can never relax against Barcelona because they are the best side in the world. We showed courage, competitiveness and quality. You have to work very hard and not give up a single ball for lost. We conceded one goal because of a lapse of concentration but we were able to overcome that fortunately."


3 orang jurulatin je yg ajen ubi berjaya daptkan sbb tak ramai pom kelab yg menang dengan Barcelona. MAklumla kan, kelab terhebat kat Eropah. Hahaha..ok la..kita jumpa di lain hari revoir©


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