Setaro mano Campbell..??

Assalamualaikum sekali lagi..tak po dop wi sale bnyok2..buke doso pom..haha..ambik sunnoh ore oyak..ko gano??haha..pahtuh, jawab la adik kakok wei...jwb sale tu wajib, jong beri tu sunnat..maklum belako doh wak tu tuh...haha..

Kito g ko berito seterusnyo..pasal Campbell. Tahun ni adolah tahun yey bersejaroh untuk Wenger kerano selamo 13 tahun, dio tok rajin lg beli semula ore wak dio jual doh. Tapi, wak ni terjadi ko Campbell..bekas pemain Arsenal yey berumo 35 tahun..tuo doh wei...

Campbell akey dok di Arsenal sapa lah akhir musim ni napok gayonyo..Lepas tu tgk atas Wengr la samo ado nk wak gano ko ore tuo kito nih..haha..

Wenger kito napok gayonyo ado sbb la dio beli Campbell nih.male pom dio kelih dekat gitu mo lalu time campbell main lawe sek reserves West Ham nih..4-2 kito meney male..haha

Campbell bertrimo kasih ko Wenger kito kerano masih lagi memberi peluwe ko dio..bia tuo doh pom.. WEnger kito nih.kalu tok sedak main, tok mudoh2 nk ambik ore gituh..ko belah mmno??haha..Campbell jgok oyak yey dio menjadikey Wenger ni aspirasi dio..panda jgok Campbell nih..awo Wenger ambik dio gak..buwi ayat muja selalu..ko gano??haha...takpolah..inspirasi pom..inspirasi lah...kito wi ayat Ngepong Campbell lagih..:

"Arsene Wenger has been an inspiration," he said. "He has watched me closely after letting me train at Arsenal for nearly two months now.

"He's not stupid - he wouldn't have taken me back if he didn't like what he has seen, and I have worked and worked. I do believe I can contribute.

"I really have my confidence and fitness back and I believe I can make a big, big contribution.

"There is fantastic quality all around the pitch within this Arsenal team and I want to be part of it, and I will make a big push to try to do that, but it's little steps at a time."

jadi,kito pakat2 tgk la samo ado Campbell kito nih munoh ko molek. kalu munoh gak..tak dop pekdoh ore ambik wak jadi pemain Arsenal..malu ko sek mudo jah.Setakat tu lah dulu ari nih..ambo nk g kecek nga kabel ambo meta..haha..


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